Friday, October 21, 2016

Contests and contested

Interesting the root words are the same yet big difference in meeting!

Wag zog

From the planetary election of the Council, comes one who contested.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Restaurant ray gun

In remembrance of science fiction, the gun is green!

Question at the wwwriters incorporation

What in your research is the jurisdiction, issue?


The news is full of all contexts, going at it.  Is all news, good news?

Factual and the Mrs. Smith

Moon last night like two!  What would that cause in eruption of tools,

the eruption of the causation, deductive, does it?  Moon does.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Getting by

The poverty woes and well spring, I know only poetry platform,

The chorus knows the sheet music and they bring orchestra, black mass!

Composition, la u eh, uuu vi........