Sunday, November 8, 2015

Cruise to the Caribbean

The ship went through the waters with ease and clocked the miles without

hesitation.  On board all went about without much thought as to

the ships various operations, not noting any of the changes or depth,

speed.  The ocean seemingly sameness yet then a certain speed change

altered everything......the ocean seemed to roar, to Roar, to the direction.

Friday, November 6, 2015

a new character

The conversation he tried to understand having only a very rudimentary understanding of the language,

yet he was able to follow easily.........

Sunday, November 1, 2015

from Summer and the Ranch August 2014

The Golf book I received by way of transmissions, was about
the Swing, the positioning and the stroke, with the IDEA LAB came
the enlightenment, evenly matched with the hospital, chaplain!
The two athletes stopping in to see if they could work on, the release body, for their friend was Muslim and they would have the ceremonies for him.
He had been at Central Park and the mystery grew as to the
lack of evidence in his car or where he was, found.
The one strange found was a book by Edgar Allen Poe.
The detectives assigned to the case or fiction ----------
There was a smudged, autograph-like entry on a page
where the, author seemed to talk about himself.
Casey told his partner, he new of a professor, literature at Columbia and that he would ask him.
That they both new this was important------------it also defied quick understanding or routine police work.
The Irish bar around the corner from the precinct, had
their special of lasagna baked to the 3 cheese recipe and
minestrone soup.
The lockers where they changed into street wear.......
Everyone from the off duty ranks asked the two as they gathered at the table, usual and wanted them to do a little role-play....
the beer of Coors----helped loosen their self consciousness, and a semi-play of different tactical, played out.

Sunday Strategy