Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New short Story

A ghost on my Shoulder!

there is a story about Squaw peak and the ghosts of 7th ave and

the Roosevelt  neighborhood in Phoenix downtown off the light rail.

I walked a block and interviewed,

"Are you haunted I asked a house or two!"

Pneumonia again............

immune System and spending time

physical strength, again.........

I went to the hospital and finally got an

antibiotic, yet very resistant for the first week, now

just beginning to be well.

Penicillan, last time was some exotic new,

for the sometime agency.

I am resting today and lastness of the three

month last time, won't be.

i told them penicillin, no listen!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


from now on circles are of the nature..........natural

and Venus crew, I think we found the leak........

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Letter to my Love

more on dirt Farmington;
or was I at Alice Springs?,
Either way the formations seem the similar of last dirt left, either place.......
better Venus.....
I love you!

Dear Rock......


Summer has started preschool and the school is quite receptive

to a mixed species, such as the, move from Terra to Venus.

Required …....

War has been and now the quiet and Peace of Venus society is a

welcome change.


Her guardian says that the climate seems to agree with Summer, also.

More later, we miss you so.......


Mary Taurus


Dear Rock,

Sol said that he received a call from you and that

everyone is to meet at your New York, hotel,

for a special engagement, with all attending

in costume; masks required=================

with a 200000000000000000000000000000000000 check!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

geometrical cube on cube

or would one say

cube v cube in the signs of a cosmology,

where the comprehensible universe, defines,

ethics and Law;

gaya or earth politics aside, only,

what is for the planet health!

United Nations in the accords of environmental policy were largely ignored.

Kyota doesn't now even begin to address the requirements necessary for

intelligent, going into 21st is the form of democracy as it is able to confront the future trends?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

summer on posts

Bohemian culture is of sound mind!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

zen center

a visit to Austin and the arc`ch

reunion news abroad


the sky time

lycan visiting arches

The Symbolism Behind UTEP’s Bhutanese Architecture

By on May 29, 2012
Bhutanese Prayer Wheel, a gift from the people of Bhutan, on display in Chihuahuan Desert Garden
While the Bhutanese architectural influence is easily identified on UTEP’s campus, the symbolism behind the characteristic features may be less well known.  Buddhism, the dominant religion in Bhutan has influenced style and design features of Bhutanese buildings. These features found their way onto UTEP’s buildings through the architects who used John Claude White’s 1914 National Geographic article, “Castles in the Air: Experiences and Journey’s into the Unknown Bhutan” as a guide for the University’s earliest Bhutanese-styled buildings .
In his article, White described monasteries in Bhutan being painted “a dull light gray on the lower story, with a broad band of madder red above, and shingle roofs, on the top of which are gilded canopies.” Old Main and several other buildings were styled after Bhutanese monasteries with the gray-brown stucco finish and red brick band wrapping around the upper levels of the buildings. The brick line on UTEP’s buildings may be one of the most prominent aesthetic motifs at the university; in Bhutan it denotes a religious institution. In 1967 Desmond Dong, a Bhutanese architectural specialist wrote the following about UTEP’s buildings: “The ornamental band distinguishes religious buildings in Tibet and Bhutan as monasteries, chapels, and such…I wonder if the students know how close they are to monastery.”
Mandala from the Health Sciences and Nursing Building
Imbedded in many of the brick bands are mosaic designs also known as mandalas (MAHN-da-lah), which is Sanskrit for “circle.” In Buddhism the mandala is a form of sacred art used most often to evoke deities. Each mandala is comprised of an outer circle encircling an eight pointed shape with a circle or square in the center of the design which is believed to hold a deity. The eight pointed design has four points usually pointing in the four compass directions. The other four points, called doors or gates, are usually embellished with decorative items and symbolize the collectivity of the Four Boundless Thoughts: love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. For Buddhist monks the mandala creates a meditative space within which they believe they are able to achieve a level of consciousness by which they may attain their worldly and spiritual goals. Mandalas adorn many of UTEP’s buildings using the colors yellow, white, red, green, and blue representing effort, faith, memory, meditative stabilization, and wisdom.
On the Psychology Building a different symbol decorates the façade. Three white circles, resembling a target, are called the wheels of life in Buddhism. These circles each have an individual meaning but combined they represent the evolution of changes that a human goes through in life. The center circle is representative of the root of man’s evils, the second is symbolic of stages humans pass through such as, birth, religious life, sickness and death; the third outer ring is emblematic of the life of Buddha.
The grounds surrounding the Centennial Museum contain three more examples of Buddhist influence. At the entrance to the museum sit two large white pillar-like sculptures of prayer wheels built in 1936. In White’s article on Bhutan he described a water driven prayer wheel: “A prayer wheel consists of a hollow cylinder filled with written or printed prayers and fixed to a perpendicular shaft of wood, to the lower end of which horizontal flappers are attached against which water from a chute; the end is shod with iron and revolves in an iron socket driven by the force of the stream. With each revolution the prayers are believed to be prayed for the benefit of the builder of that particular wheel and count as much to his credit.” Turning the wheel symbolizes “turning the doctrine,” one of Buddha’s first teachings which suggest that Buddhist teachings go round and round, never stopping. The smaller hand-held prayer wheel usually bears a printed mantra and the holder rotates the wheel clockwise in order to gain enlightenment. The Chihuahuan Desert Garden features an actual prayer wheel, a gift from the people of Bhutan in 2003. The donated prayer wheel is similar to the wheels used at the entrances of Buddhist monasteries and was constructed in Bhutan. The Centennial Museum welcomes onlookers to “gently” turn the wheel– it is a functioning wheel.
On the hillside south of the Centennial Museum are several prayer flags. Traditionally they are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, or wisdom, and typically have a mantra or prayer printed on them. In Buddhism the placement of a prayer flag is accompanied by a religious ceremony. UTEP’s flags are periodically changed by the museum but not until they have been well worn. It is the Buddhist belief that the fraying and wear on the flags is a sign that the prayers are being listened to. The flags are purchased by the museum from a prayer flag retailer.
Prayer flags outside of the Centennial Museum
The red brick stripes, mandalas, prayer wheels, and prayer flags are reminders of the influence of Buddhism on the Bhutanese architecture and design of UTEP. It is unknown if the original architects and designers of the oldest buildings on campus were aware of the deeply engrained Buddhist influence on the illustrative designs from the photographs in the National Geographic Magazine they were emulating. What is understood is that the designs were reproduced throughout UTEP’s campus from 1917 to the present and with that replication UTEP has passed along symbolic designs of peace and unity.
[ Sources: The University of Texas at El Paso Bhutanese Style Architecture Collection; EL Paso Times, February 4, 1973; National Geographic Magazine, April 1914; Nova, Volume 17, Number 2, March 1982; Prayer Wheel handout located in the Centennial Museum; A Circle of Peace, Cultural Center in El Paso; Bhutan on the Border, University of Texas at El Paso, 2012.]
Posted in: HistoryTagged: ,

Ashley Swarthout was a student in the Masters of Arts in Teaching English program at UTEP. She graduated in May 2013 and is now teaches dual credit at Chapin High School.
  1. sonam wangchuk
    July 30, 2012
    Hi Ashley,
    They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. It is true, i am flattered. I found your article very informative, even to a Bhutanese like myself.
    The UTEP’s structure resembles Bhutanese architecture in many ways.The core concept (even the structures) is the same but the materials are different.
    It appears as if a Bhutanese structure has been stripped naked by some alien force.
    However, the simple design approach is very appropriate.
    Please don’t get me wrong, I am not here to criticize or compare, but to share and learn.
    If possible, leave me your email adress so we can discuss in further length and depth.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Aspen, Four Corners or Rivers


Daniel Fortin1,,4, Hawthorne L. Beyer1, Mark S. Boyce1, Douglas W. Smith2, Thierry Duchesne3, and Julie S. Mao1
1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada
2Yellowstone Center For Resources, Yellowstone National Park, P.O. Box 168, Mammoth, Wyoming 82190, USA
3Département de mathématiques et de statistique, Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec G1K 7P4, Canada
A trophic cascade recently has been reported among wolves, elk, and aspen on the northern winter range of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, but the mechanisms of indirect interactions within this food chain have yet to be established. We investigated whether the observed trophic cascade might have a behavioral basis by exploring environmental factors influencing the movements of 13 female elk equipped with GPS radio collars. We developed a simple statistical approach that can unveil the concurrent influence of several environmental features on animal movements. Paths of elk traveling on their winter range were broken down into steps, which correspond to the straight-line segment between successive locations at 5-hour intervals. Each observed step was paired with 200 random steps having the same starting point, but differing in length and/or direction. Comparisons between the characteristics of observed and random steps using conditional logistic regression were used to model environmental features influencing movement patterns. We found that elk movements were influenced by multiple factors, such as the distance from roads, the presence of a steep slope along the step, and the cover type in which they ended. The influence of cover type on elk movements depended on the spatial distribution of wolves across the northern winter range of the park. In low wolf-use areas, the relative preference for end point locations of steps followed: aspen stands > open areas > conifer forests. As the risks of wolf encounter increased, the preference of elk for aspen stands gradually decreased, and selection became strongest for steps ending in conifer forests in high wolf-use areas. Our study clarifies the behavioral mechanisms involved in the trophic cascade of Yellowstone's wolf–elk–aspen system: elk respond to wolves on their winter range by a shift in habitat selection, which leads to local reductions in the use of aspen by elk.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

mathematics and soul

Some may not drive Red Mountain for the reason,

passes are generally impassable in the Winter, otherwise

known as be prepared!

the horns of the beast are beautiful in the Fall.